Office Carpet Cleaning in Glasgow
The Difference Between Office Carpet Cleaning Glasgow and Residential Carpet Cleaning.
The amount of foot traffic per day in Commercial buildings is considerably greater than in residential homes.
This traffic can range from a few hundred foot traffics to several million foot traffics a day. The type and amount of traffic and type and amount of soil found in a food service facility would be different from that found in a doctors office.
Due to the amount of traffic and amount of soiling most commercial buildings will have some sort of maintenance schedule. This schedule normally includes routine interim maintenance, daily spot cleaning and vacuuming for some areas. Proper maintenance on a commercial carpet will give the carpet longer life that has a better overall appearance.
The type of carpet in commercial properties is generally different from residential carpet. Commercial carpet is generally of a higher quality. The wear guarantees on some commercial carpets will be as long as 20 years , this is because most commercial carpet is generally more wear resistant.
Most commercial carpet is cleaned when it reaches an appearance level that is is unacceptable to the image and look of the business. The construction of the carpet is designed to hide soiling, therefore by the time the carpet looks dirty it is actually filthy.
Planned carpet maintenance provides for a continuous high level of appearance and provides a professional image for employees and its customers. Studies confirm that planned commercial carpet maintenance utilizing high performance hot water extraction improves the healthful condition of an indoor environment.
There are five basic steps in achieving optimum results in deep cleaning carpets.
Dry Vacuuming (Dry Soil Removal)
Commercial Vacuum
Dry particulate soils are easier and more cost effective to remove with a professional vacuum. We use the Sebo BS360.
- Twin motor. Separate suction and brush motor
- Suction motor 700 watt
- Brush motor 175 watt
- Timing belt with electronic protection
- Electronic guidance for optimum brush height
- Changeable brush strip
- Cleans when flat
- Hose with integrated wand
- Bag full warning light
- Effective and trouble free operation
- All round cleaning ability
- Economic servicing
- Durable
Pre treatment is the work horse of the cleaning procedure. These agents are most often called traffic lane cleaners and are designed to strip soils from the carpet fibres. They are used in conjunction with a compatible rinse agent to insure proper removal soil and leave the least amount of residue.
Rinsing / Extraction Office Carpet Cleaning Glasgow
The rinse process is essential to emulsify the soils the preconditioner has dislodged as well as condition the surface of the while it dries.
There are two basic systems of rinsing. one is to use alkaline rinse who’s PH is compatible with the fibre being cleaned. the second system is to use an acid rinse detergent. Acid rinse detergents will neutralize and cleaning residues, stabilise colours and leave the fibre with a softer feel.
Hot Water Extraction Machine
Although previous procedures will remove the majority of spots and soils, there are certain spots that need special attention. These are addressed with a professional stain removal kit.
A carpet will dry exactly the same way it looks after you have cleaned it. Many carpet owners do not like wand patterns on their carpet, so often times grooming is required.
- A plastic bristle grooming tool.
- a napping brush
- Plush brush
- Shag rake
Drying Office Carpet Cleaning Glasgow
Drying time is related to the method used, the application of the method, the equipment used and the type of carpet. Regardless of method, airflow and ventilation are necessary to achieve proper drying. At Acorn Carpet Cleaning Glasgow, we use air movers. By using an air mover you can reduce the drying time dramatically.
The interior of your company’s offices reflects who you are and the level of service you provide. Worn out or soiled carpets and upholstery can leave a negative impression on clients visiting your office and employees.
Replacing carpets and upholstery is an expensive solution and not always feasible with budget constraints. Family run Acorn Carpet Cleaning offers a reliable and efficient cleaning service at an affordable cost. We are able to provide effective stain removal, as well as extend the life of your carpets and upholstery.
Please call 0141 212 0212 or email if you would like to make an inquiry about our office carpet cleaning Glasgow services and get a free quote.
Please call 0141 212 0212 or email if you would like to make an inquiry about our commercial cleaning services.
Give us a call on 0141 212 0212 or click here to get in touch.